our story
the proposal
Christmas Letters
our families
the big day
Gift Registry
life after
photo album
Our Families
- Immediate Family -
There is no such thing as quiet or shy in my family. And we've never met a stranger. I was raised by my parents, David and Jackie Kaiser. I couldn't be where I am today without their love and support. They completely financed my college education at Texas A&M for four years and continued to support me during medical school. My parents have taught me so many values- honesty, unconditional love, respect, perseverance and independence to name a few. More than anything, they've taught me the importance of family. And they are still spoiling me to this day- thanks for letting me live at home again!

I am the middle child, smack in between Jenny & Jeff. Jenny is the flower child of our family. She is adventurous, not afraid to try different things and live in new places. Yet she always finds her way back to California. Whether I was following in her footsteps in gymnastics, drill team, or cheerleading, I always looked up to my big sister. I just never imitated the 6th grade hair cut! My sister is a beautiful person- inside and out.

Jeff is our iddy bubby. I still remember him as being all knees. Lucky for Jeff, David came along. Otherwise he would have been stuck playing beauty shop for entirely too long. Jeff has a heart of gold. He is very protective of those he loves. He was my personal bodyguard when we were roomies in College Station. I know he will always be there when I need him. How lucky am I to have a brother who is also one of my best friends.
- The CA Winegardens -
Even though we are not always together, I treasure the times we have shared. I am proud of all of your accomplishments and can't wait until I have a real vacation. Then I can join you on the white beaches of Costa Rica. And thanks for my beautiful smile Dad!
- To The Rest of My family -
Thank you for sharing in my life and loving and supporting me. I look forward to making more memories in the future.
- Immediate Family -
I was raised by the two coolest parents I know. George and Norine Carnevale. They couldn't always offer monetary goods, but what they lacked in green, they more then made up for in moral support. From floor hockey and t-ball, to soccer and band practice, they never discouraged an interest. They were always willing show up, station-wagon-with-luggage-box in hand and rarely left us sitting outside for hours on end before finally walking home (rarely). Nope, they're the kind of parents that will let you come home after college, feed you great food for free, and let you live your own life. They taught me the value of hard work, patience and perseverance. Thanks for all you've done in my life!

They also gave me 4 of the coolest brothers and sisters a guy could want. No really, my brothers are so cool I got a 6" tattoo on the second most painful part of my body, solely out of love and respect for them. My sisters are amazing too, I absolutely look up to both of them! They are so loyal and witty and driven. It's always a good time when there are 2 or more Carnevales around. CARNEVALE!

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